MWRD Citizen Incident Reporting
Welcome to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Citizen Incident Reporting System. You may use this site to notify MWRD of issues in your area or you may call: 800-332-3867.
Espanol : Para reportar olores, contaminación de agua, obstrucciones en las vías de agua, u otro incidente, por favor póngase en contacto con 855-323-4801.
Download Our App on IOS Devices
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago’s Citizen Incident Reporting (CIR) app allows users to submit instances of odors and other environmental-related issues.
Citizens within MWRD’s boundary will follow the app’s simple wizard-based interface that prompts for specific information regarding the incident. Upon submittal, an Incident Number will be sent to them for future reference. MWRD system dispatchers monitor the CIR system continuously and examine each sent incident. During this investigation, submitters may use the app in conjunction with their Incident Number to review their incident’s status and any findings.
Download it today
Submit a New Incident
Report Odor, Water Pollution, Waterway Blockages, or Other Incidents.
Locate Your Incident
If you have already submitted an incident, you can view its details.